Scripture Reading - John 13:34-35

34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. KJV

We can see from the scriptures above the perfect will of God. The Lord mentions Love about four times in those two verses. Notice that verse 34 states that Jesus gave us a new commandment. This commandment was new because in the Old Covenant all the saints of God did not have the Love of God shed abroad in their hearts. Yes, many of the Jewish Leaders were lacking the essential ingredient of God’s Love, thus causing those same religious leaders to misinterpret God’s Word. Friends we desperately need to simplify the Gospel of Jesus by showing people that we love them. This means we can demonstrate God’s Love by being helpful, truthful, honest, courteous and kind while they are in our presence. We know that God is Love, so when the new commandment was given to us by Jesus it was our Heavenly Father’s way of commissioning us to share Jesus with others. Our Lord could of told us to do a lot of different things to identify with God, like prayer, fasting, preaching of the word, or how much work we do for the Kingdom of God, however the truth is He did not. He told us exactly what we needed to do, which is simply love others now it is our responsibility to do it. Remember, loving people goes far beyond just physical acts but shows others the motive of the heart, this means attitude is critical in displaying God’s Love. With that in mind remember to love whosoever you can according to the Holy Scriptures and then, and only then, have you loved others as Jesus loved you. It may not be the easiest road because it is certainly less traveled, but at the end of this road you will receive the greatest treasure from God which is the fullness of God’s glory living inside of you. People will see the heart of Jesus when they look into your eyes. Yes, my faith friend, you will truly be conformed to the image and likeness of God’s love in Christ Jesus. Amen!